As the IB Diploma Programme is a two year programme II.gimnazija Maribor has developed the methods of monitoring students’ progress and assessment. The document is based on the DP Principles and practises and the Assessment policy (IBO, 2014), and the assessment policy of the national programme at II gimnazija Maribor called ‘’Pravilnik o ocenjevanju znanja v srednjih šolah (Ur. l. RS, 60/2010) in Šolska pravila ocenjevanja znanja II.gimnazije Maribor (2012/13)”. The document called PRAVILA O PREVERJANJU IN OCENJEVANJU ZNANJA V PROGRAMU MEDNARODNE MATURE which can be found on our webpage “ and was produced for the assessment purposes.

Teachers have to meet the assessment criteria for grading and marking, recording and reporting and homework.

Teachers are responsible for providing formative and summative assessment as well as monitoring peer assessment. Teachers send the reports to the parents of the students three times per year.

Students have to meet the criteria for transferring from year 11 to year 12 of the IB DP programme. Students get the immediate feedback after the test, oral and written examination, or essays.

Teacher reports are sent to students’ parents three times per year (January, March, June) in the forms of report cards (grades) and in writing (descriptive grades, student behaviour, participation, as well as students’ performances at school).

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